Saturday, September 22, 2007


Reading this passage of The Initiation of a Maasai Warrior, it reminded me that many people go through initiations, not only by their own culture, but also because they want to, because they want to be part of a group. What I mean by this is gang initiations.

- This website explains the different types of initiation that a gang member must endure to be a part of the group. It also has a clip of an initiation being performed.

My opinon- after reading the article I thought to myself how could people want to endure this type of pain just to be part of a gang. I can understand they type of initiation perfermed on the Maasai Warriors but that has been part of their culture for a long time, and they are used to those kinds of things, and they arent violent of criminals that is just their way of initiating a warrior.