Friday, October 12, 2007

Brazilian Tribe kayapo

Reading about the Maasai Warrior's it interested me in finding information about tribes in Brazil. I found information on the Kayapo tribe in Brazil.

Kayapo, the Forgotten Tribe

In this article it talks about how this Brazilian tribe is being forgotten. Many have become friendly with residents of surrounding areas while other remain close to Nature and don't want to give that up. The Kayapo tribe which means keeper of the forest.

The Kayapo

In this article, the author talks about how the Kayapo have the largest reservation in all of Brazil. The article also talks about how this tribe is extremely dangerous, they are this way because they don't want people invading their land.They would exterminate people such as gold diggers, lumberjacks and rubber-tree latex gatherers. Many people who tried to settle in their land and didn't succeed, they tried throwing smallpox infested blankets out of airplanes for the Kayapo tribe to catch.

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